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Mpho S - Tutor in Vrededorp

I studied Bcom Economics and Econometrics (2012) and hold an honours Degree in Economics specialising in Economic Trade and Development (2014) and I am also a prospective MCOM Economic Development student from this year (2018). A diligent individual, I am able to initiate work independently, additionally embrace teamwork as more ideas can be generated. I am good in connecting and communicating with people on a personal basis and understanding their unique needs. I have a friendly, down to earth personality and have always had a great rapport with my colleagues. I am an individual with analytical, numerical and interpersonal skills and a wide variety of other skills - I do not believe in specialization as it limits you as a professional, hence I am flexible.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Travelling distance

Mpho will travel 30km from Vrededorp, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Mpho speaks Afrikaans, Zulu, English, Southern Sotho, and Tswana

2018-01-01 - 2018-12-28

-Teaching (Tutoring) -Marking Scripts -Assist with Exam preparation -Study techniques

2007-01-01 - 2012-12-01
Bachelor's (other) Economics - University of Johannesburg

Economics Econometrics Marketing

2013-01-01 - 2014-12-01
Bachelor's (other) Economics (Honours) - University of Johannesburg

Advanced Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Economic issues in Developing Countries International Trade: Theory and Policy Issues Research Thesis: The Adverse Impact of consumerism on households' savings: Why skills development is important.