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Gcina Eugenia S - Tutor in Johannesburg

I am a postgraduate student in Education, majoring in Geography, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. I am very friendly, helpful and approachable. Have three years tutoring experience, in-person and online.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Gcina Eugenia will travel 20km from Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Gcina Eugenia speaks Zulu, English, and Southern Sotho

2019-02-02 - 2020-12-26
Mathematics and Natural Sciences tutor

Administrator Mathematics tutor to grade 9s Natural Sciences tutor to grade 9s

2018-02-03 - 2018-11-24
Mathematics Tutor

Teaching grade 9 Mathematics. Taking the register. Collecting admission fees. Marking and signing books.

2017-02-06 - 2019-11-29
BSc Geography - University of the Witwatersrand

Bachelor of Sciences (3 years) majoring in Geography and Archaeology. Other modules include Mathematics Auxiliary, Chemistry and Philosophy.

Subjects taught
  • English Literature

    I performed very well in English during my high school, was one of the top students. I currently tutor English as an additional subject to young primary and high school learners in my community. I know all the basic skills of passing English and eventually loving it because it is such an interesting subject.

    Gcina Eugenia teaches English Literature at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • Geography

    I have a Bachelors Degree in Geography, and passed most of my modules with distinctions. Currently majoring in Geography in my postgraduate qualification. I have learnt to teach the subject to myself in order to pass it and am confident that I can also teach it to other people.

    Gcina Eugenia teaches Geography at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Zulu

    I am a born and bred young Zulu woman and have learnt IsiZulu from primary to high school. I not only excel in communicating in the language but also helping people to learn it, for academic purposes or for merely knowing the language.

    Gcina Eugenia teaches Zulu at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    I am a Science student, very knowledgeable on the topics taught in this subject. I have tutored and taught it before and received great remarks from both students and teachers observing me during my teaching.

    Gcina Eugenia teaches Natural Sciences at High School and Primary School level(s)