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Regan B - Tutor in Newlands

I am a medical student who is passionate about learning and the future of our country. I want to do all that I can to provide others with greater opportunities for success. I have a good understanding of learning techniques and am a confident and assured relationship-maker. I can explain concepts well and always see the potential in people and I have a passion to see people reach their potential. I teach maths, english, natural and physical sciences

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Travelling distance

Regan will travel 5km from Newlands, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Regan speaks English

2017-2019: Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cape Town.
02/15/2017 - 12/05/2022
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery - University of Cape Town

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I am passionate about the opportunities that are created when one understands and loves maths. I excelled in Maths at High School level, with a mid-90s exit mark. I also did AP Maths, finishing with a 71 percent mark.

    Regan teaches Mathematics at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Biology

    Biology is the essence of all life, and learning it can bring so much joy and opportunity to life! I excelled in high school, finishing with a matric mark of 89. Biology has always been a passion and strong suit of mine. I am studying medicine so I have a wealth of extra experience in the biological sciences.

    Regan teaches Biology at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Physics

    Physics is the study of how the world works, giving us a wealth of knowledge and ideas about who and why we are. I finished with a final mark of 93 percent in matric, and got 81 percent for my first-year university course (Physics for Medical Students).

    Regan teaches Physics at High School and Primary School level(s)