tutor avatar

Zulaikha G - Tutor in Petervale

I am a qualified Speech Language Therapist (UCT), with excellent communication and listening skills and I have a passion and enjoy helping others, treating pediatrics and adults with varying levels of speech, language and communication problems, difficulties in swallowing, or cognitive communication. I have extensive public hospital and private practice experience with with adult and pediatric population. I am currently working at a special needs education centre, and intended on pursing my masters in Speech Language therapy in the near future.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Public Place

Travelling distance

Zulaikha will travel 20km from Petervale, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Zulaikha speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-01-01 - 2020-04-27
Speech Language Therapist

2015-01-01 - 2018-12-31
BsC Speech Language Pathology - University of Cape Town

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I am fluent in Afrikaans, and have experience working with patients in Afrikaans, providing speech therapy to them in Afrikaans, which requires a high level of understanding of the language. I resided in an Afrikaans community for 1 year whilst doing my community service and spoke Afrikaans there daily. I matriculated with a distinction in Afrikaans.

    Zulaikha teaches Afrikaans at Adult level(s)

  • Literature

    English literature is a strength of mine as I have extensive experience in all levels of literature, as it falls within my scope of practice as a Speech Therapist. I am able to teach students develop literature skills, as well as further improve current literature skills. It was also my strong point in high school, and matriculated with a distinction.

    Zulaikha teaches Literature at University/College level(s)

  • Special Needs Help

    Special needs help falls within my scope of practice as a Speech Therapist, therefore I have extensive experience in the field. I have also completed additional extra courses in special needs, and served as a special education needs teacher for 4 months. In my spare time I often try to advocate for special needs through workshops and writing articles.

    Zulaikha teaches Special Needs Help at Adult level(s)

  • Human Biology

    I matriculated with a distinction in Biology, as well as further completed a 2 semester course on human biology in University (UCT), with specific focus on the brain and its components. I have extensive knowledge on the human body and its components from my experience working in a public hospital for a year.

    Zulaikha teaches Human Biology at High School level(s)